- 2010
- May 10 MongoSF MongoMapper Video
- May 05 Improve Your Presentations In Under $50
- Apr 18 I Have No Talent (redux)
- 2009
- Aug 19 MongoMapper Indy.rb Presentation
- Jun 03 What If A Key Value Store Mated With A Relational Database System?
- 2007
- Nov 02 Nathaniel Talbott: Why Camping Matters
- Nov 02 Jim Weirich: Advanced Ruby Class Design
- Nov 02 Marcel Molina: Beautiful Code
- May 20 Sunday: Dave Thomas Keynote
- May 20 Sunday: JRuby on Rails
- May 20 Saturday: Keynotes
- May 20 Saturday: Memcaching Rails
- May 20 Saturday: Virtual Clustering
- May 20 Friday: Evening Keynotes
- May 20 Friday: Mapping Rails To Legacy Systems
- May 18 Friday: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
- May 18 Friday: Ruby on Rails in Higher Ed
- May 18 Friday: Going Off The Grid
- May 18 Friday: Building Community Driven Apps
- May 18 Friday Keynote