April 18, 2013

Posted by John

Tagged gems, instrumentation, and nunes

Older: An Instrumented Library in ~30 Lines

Newer: Of Late

Let Nunes Do It

In a moment of either genius or delirium I decided to name my newest project after myself. Why? Well, here is the story whether you want to know or not.

Why Nunes?

Naming is always the hardest part of a project. Originally, it was named Railsd. The idea of the gem is automatically subscribe to all of the valuable Rails instrumentation events and send them to statsd in a sane way, thus Railsd was born.

After working on it a bit, I realized that the project was just an easy way to send Rails instrumentation events to any service that supports counters and timers. With a few tweaks, I made Railsd support InstrumentalApp, a favorite service of mine, in addition to Statsd.

Thus came the dilemma. No longer did the (already terrible) name Railsd make sense. As I sat and thought about what to name it, I remembered joking one time about naming a project after myself, so that every time anyone used it they had no choice but to think about me. Thus Nunes was born.

Lest you think that I just wanted to name it Nunes only so that you think of me, here is a bit more detail. Personally, I attempt to instrument everything I can. Be it code, the steps I take, or the calories I consume, I want to know what is going on. I have also noticed that which is automatically instrumented is the easiest to instrument.

I love tracking data so deeply that I want to instrument your code. Really, I do. I want to clone your repo, inject a whole bunch of instrumentation and deploy it to production, so you can know exactly what is going on. I want to sit over your shoulder and look at the graphs with you. Ooooooh, aren’t those some pretty graphs!

But I don’t work for you, or with you, so that would be weird.

Instead, I give you Nunes. I give you Nunes as a reminder that I want to instrument everything and you should too. I give you Nunes so that instrumenting is so easy that you will feel foolish not using it, at least a start. Go ahead, the first metric is free! Yep, I want you to have that first hit and get addicted, like me.

Using Nunes

I love instrumenting things. Nunes loves instrumenting things. To get started, just add Nunes to your gemfile:

# be sure to think of me when you do :)
gem "nunes"

Once you have nunes in your bundle (be sure to think of bundling me up with a big hug), you just need to tell nunes to subscribe to all the fancy events and provide him with somewhere to send all the glorious metrics:

# yep, think of me here too
require 'nunes'

# for statsd
statsd = Statsd.new(...)
Nunes.subscribe(statsd) # ooh, ooh, think of me!

# for instrumental
I = Instrument::Agent.new(...)
Nunes.subscribe(I) # one moooore tiiiime!

With just those couple of lines, you get a whole lot of goodness. Out of the box, Nunes will subscribe to the following Rails instrumentation events:

  • process_action.action_controller
  • render_template.action_view
  • render_partial.action_view
  • deliver.action_mailer
  • receive.action_mailer
  • sql.active_record
  • cache_read.active_support
  • cache_generate.active_support
  • cache_fetch_hit.active_support
  • cache_write.active_support
  • cache_delete.active_support
  • cache_exist?.active_support

Thanks to all the wonderful information those events provide, you will instantly get some of these counter metrics:

  • action_controller.status.200
  • action_controller.format.html
  • action_controller.exception.RuntimeError – where RuntimeError is the class of any exceptions that occur while processing a controller’s action.
  • active_support.cache_hit
  • active_support.cache_miss

And these timer metrics:

  • action_controller.runtime
  • action_controller.view_runtime
  • action_controller.db_runtime
  • action_controller.posts.index.runtime – where posts is the controller and index is the action
  • action_view.app.views.posts.index.html.erb – where app.views.posts.index.html.erb is the path of the view file
  • action_view.app.views.posts._post.html.erb – I can even do partials! woot woot!
  • action_mailer.deliver.post_mailer – where post_mailer is the name of the mailer
  • action_mailer.receive.post_mailer – where post_mailer is the name of the mailer
  • active_record.sql
  • active_record.sql.select – also supported are insert, update, delete, transaction_begin and transaction_commit
  • active_support.cache_read
  • active_support.cache_generate
  • active_support.cache_fetch
  • active_support.cache_fetch_hit
  • active_support.cache_write
  • active_support.cache_delete
  • active_support.cache_exist

But Wait, There is More!

In addition to doing all that work for you out of the box, Nunes will also help you wrap your own code with instrumentation. I know, I know, sounds too good to be true.

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend Nunes::Instrumentable # OH HAI IT IS ME, NUNES

  # wrap save and instrument the timing of it
  instrument_method_time :save

This will instrument the timing of the User instance method save. What that means is when you do this:

# the nerve of me to name a user nunes
user = User.new(name: "NUNES!")

An event named instrument_method_time.nunes will be generated, which in turn is subscribed to and sent to whatever you used to send instrumentation to (statsd, instrumental, etc.). The metric name will default to “class.method”. For the example above, the metric name would be user.save. No fear, you can customize this.

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend Nunes::Instrumentable # never

  # wrap save and instrument the timing of it
  instrument_method_time :save, 'crazy_town.save'

Passing a string as the second argument sets the name of the metric. You can also customize the name using a Hash as the second argument.

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend Nunes::Instrumentable # gonna

  # wrap save and instrument the timing of it
  instrument_method_time :save, name: 'crazy_town.save'

In addition to name, you can also pass a payload that will get sent along with the generated event.

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend Nunes::Instrumentable # give nunes up

  # wrap save and instrument the timing of it
  instrument_method_time :save, payload: {pay: "loading"}

If you subscribe to the event on your own, say to log some things, you’ll get a key named :pay with a value of "loading" in the event’s payload. Pretty neat, eh?


I hope you find Nunes useful and that each time you use it, you think of me and how much I want to instrument your code for you, but am not able to. Go forth and instrument!

P.S. If you have ideas for Nunes, create an issue and start some chatter. Let’s make Nunes even better!

1 Comment

  1. Nunes FTW! I love this lib. It’s really useful and I am all for logging everything!

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Authored by John Nunemaker (Noo-neh-maker), a programmer who has fallen deeply in love with Ruby. Learn More.


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