February 17, 2010

Posted by John

Tagged mongodb and site news

Older: Great Lakes Ruby Bash

Newer: MongoMapper 0.7: Plugins

MongoTips: All Mongo, All The Time

So last night I realized that I really love MongoDB. I love it so much that I want everyone to be using it whenever it makes sense (which is quite often). I thought about what I could do to help get the word out more and starting a new site made the most sense (instead of flooding RailsTips with Mongo stuff).

MongoTips is a new blog dedicated to MongoDB news and information. I’ll be posting things there that we have learned building Harmony and anything I can find from the community.

If you are interested in Mongo, be sure to subscribe to the feed or follow on twitter.

The Process

What I love about the process of making this site is how smooth it was with Harmony. I registered the domain, setup the DNS, added the site in Harmony, duplicated the RailsTips theme and a few minutes later the site was ready to go. All that was needed was a few posts and it was ready to launch.

That is really what I want Harmony to bring to the table. I want it to take away all the pain so all you are left with is authoring your site. Lovely.


  1. This is very cool, John – looking forward to seeing more from MongoTips.

  2. You’re missing mongotips up in your little top navigation bar thingy.

  3. @Brandon – Most likely cached for you. A refresh should show it.

  4. Greate!. I hope there will be a lot cool stuff.

  5. Really excited to see the Mongo hotness/coolness!!

  6. Where can I find a project that uses mongoMapper and show its capacities. Thanx

  7. dude you already addicted me! :D

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Authored by John Nunemaker (Noo-neh-maker), a programmer who has fallen deeply in love with Ruby. Learn More.


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