October 27, 2008
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Using Gmail with IMAP to Receive Email in Rails
The number one article suggestion thus far is how to receive email in a rails app. Ask and you shall receive. What I am about to present is just a first run at it and I am not going to promise that it scales. :) That said, I fooled around with it a bit and found it relatively easy. I will post more on the topic as I play more with receiving email, but what follows is enough to at least get you up and running. The email address I used for this is actually a Gmail address, so using this method does not involve postfix or some other mail server configuration.
The Project
The project that I added email receiving functionality to was YardVote, a weekend project by my friends at Collective Idea. YardVote allows people to record a “yard” with the political signs that were present in said yard and displays them on a google map. I was immediately enamored with the idea but found entering signs on my iPhone to be a bit tedious. Giving that everyone seems to be interested in receiving email, that it would be handy for yardvote, and that yardvote was open source, I decided to take a crack at it.
The Process
The path to success in summary form was this:
- Check for new emails
- Create new or update existing location from each email
- Archive emails that have been processed to avoid duplicates
- Turn process of checking and processing email into daemon
For whatever reason, I created a bin directory and a mail_receiver.rb script inside of that. Actually, it was for a reason. I think bin seems like a good place for stuff like this. I could have used the script directory, but I figured I would leave that for Rails and plugins. I will over comment the code below to help with any parts of it that may raise questions.
# default rails environment to development
ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'development'
# require rails environment file which basically "boots" up rails for this script
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'config', 'environment')
require 'net/imap'
require 'net/http'
# amount of time to sleep after each loop below
# mail.yml is the imap config for the email account (ie: username, host, etc.)
config = YAML.load(File.read(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'config', 'mail.yml')))
# this script will continue running forever
loop do
# make a connection to imap account
imap = Net::IMAP.new(config['host'], config['port'], true)
imap.login(config['username'], config['password'])
# select inbox as our mailbox to process
# get all emails that are in inbox that have not been deleted
imap.uid_search(["NOT", "DELETED"]).each do |uid|
# fetches the straight up source of the email for tmail to parse
source = imap.uid_fetch(uid, ['RFC822']).first.attr['RFC822']
# Location#new_from_email accepts the source and creates new location
location = Location.new_from_email(source)
# check for an existing location that matches the one created from email source
existing = Location.existing_address(location)
if existing
# location exists so update the sign color to the emailed location
existing.signs = location.signs
if existing.save
# existing location was updated
# existing location was invalid
elsif location.save
# emailed location was valid and created
# emailed location was invalid
# there isn't move in imap so we copy to new mailbox and then delete from inbox
imap.uid_copy(uid, "[Gmail]/All Mail")
imap.uid_store(uid, "+FLAGS", [:Deleted])
# expunge removes the deleted emails
# NoResponseError and ByResponseError happen often when imap'ing
rescue Net::IMAP::NoResponseError => e
# send to log file, db, or email
rescue Net::IMAP::ByeResponseError => e
# send to log file, db, or email
rescue => e
# send to log file, db, or email
# sleep for SLEEP_TIME and then do it all over again
The only piece of code that you might need to help what I showed above make sense is the Location#new_from_email
class Location < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.new_from_email(source)
attrs, email = {}, TMail::Mail.parse(source)
# set signs attribute equal to subject in proper form
attrs[:signs] = email.subject.blank? ? '' : email.subject.downcase.strip.titleize
# set street equal to the body with email signatures stripped
attrs[:street] = parse_address(email.body)
# create new location from the attributes
def self.parse_address(body)
Location#new_from_email Specs
While working on the new_from_email
method, I created an emails directory inside fixtures that had several ways an email could be sent to YardVote. Then, I created a few specs to make sure that new_from_email
was actually working.
describe Location do
describe "#new_from_email" do
it "should be subject" do
location = Location.new_from_email(email_fixture(:red_no_subject))
location.should have_error_on(:signs)
it "should require body" do
location = Location.new_from_email(email_fixture(:red_no_body))
location.errors.full_messages.should include("We can't find a precise enough address match.")
it "should set street to email body" do
location = Location.new_from_email(email_fixture(:red))
location.street.should == '1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, D.C.'
it "should set sign equal to subject" do
location = Location.new_from_email(email_fixture(:red))
location.signs.should == 'Red'
it "should work with mixed case subject" do
location = Location.new_from_email(email_fixture(:red_mixedcase_subject))
location.signs.should == 'Red'
it "should work with upper case subject" do
location = Location.new_from_email(email_fixture(:red_uppercase_subject))
location.signs.should == 'Red'
it "should work with multi line body" do
location = Location.new_from_email(email_fixture(:red_address_two_lines))
location.to_location.to_s.should == "1600 Pennsylvania Ave Nw\nWashington, DC 20006"
it "should work with multi line body and email signature" do
location = Location.new_from_email(email_fixture(:red_address_two_lines_sig))
location.to_location.to_s.should == "1600 Pennsylvania Ave Nw\nWashington, DC 20006"
Now that I could check for new email and process that email, it was time to daemonize the script. The benefit of daemonizing is that you get nice and easy start, stop and restart commands, along with a PID. The PID makes monitoring your script possible, which is needed because it is bound to crash or begin sucking up to much memory.
require 'rubygems'
require 'daemons'
dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
Daemons.run(dir + '/mail_receiver.rb')
What, you wanted more? Now you can run commands like ruby bin/mail_receiver_ctl.rb start
to start your script and ruby bin/mail_receiver_ctl.rb stop
to stop it. Very handy.
The whole setup was running fine for a while, but sure enough, a few days later, I noticed that a few of my emails were still sitting in the inbox. This was because the script had crashed. I fiddled around with god a little bit and came up with the following script, mostly stolen from Ryan Bates Railscast on god.
RAILS_ROOT = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..'))
God.watch do |w|
# script that needs to be run to start, stop and restart
script = "ruby #{RAILS_ROOT}/bin/mail_receiver_ctl.rb"
# attaching rails env to each script line to be sure the daemon starts in production mode
rails_env = "RAILS_ENV=production"
w.name = "mail-receiver"
w.group = "mail"
w.interval = 60.seconds
w.start = "#{script} start #{rails_env}"
w.restart = "#{script} restart #{rails_env}"
w.stop = "#{script} stop #{rails_env}"
w.start_grace = 20.seconds
w.restart_grace = 20.seconds
w.pid_file = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/log/mail_receiver.pid"
w.start_if do |start|
start.condition(:process_running) do |c|
c.interval = 10.seconds
c.running = false
w.restart_if do |restart|
restart.condition(:memory_usage) do |c|
c.above = 100.megabytes
c.times = [3, 5]
restart.condition(:cpu_usage) do |c|
c.above = 80.percent
c.times = 5
w.lifecycle do |on|
on.condition(:flapping) do |c|
c.to_state = [:start, :restart]
c.times = 5
c.within = 5.minute
c.transition = :unmonitored
c.retry_in = 10.minutes
c.retry_times = 5
c.retry_within = 2.hours
Two hours, three files and a few extra methods later, YardVote could receive email. Before too long, I will be adding custom email addresses per person into an application such as Flickr and Highrise. I will be sure to post on that here, but, for now, I hope this helps people get started. Also, you can see the code actually implemented in the app on github.
I think we need to get more knowledge share on how to do things like this in Rails. If you have added receiving emails into your Rails app, how did you do it? Post a comment or link to an article that you wrote or used. Below are a few of the articles I have seen around the interwebs.
Oct 27, 2008
Ah, a subject near and dear to my heart. Great post!
I, of course, would recommend using the Fetcher plugin because it handles all of this for you. But then I helped write it so I’m biased. :)
Lately, I’ve been using it from cron instead of writing a daemon because I’ve found it to be more reliable.
If you’re going to handle attachments, I can’t recommend MMS2R enough. It’s not just for MMS, it can handle any multipart email message.
And, finally, I should plug the PeepCode Mike Mondragon and I wrote about all this: MMS2R: Making Email Useful
Oct 27, 2008
Thank you so much for writing this up!
Oct 27, 2008
@Luke – I wondered if MMS2R worked for any email. Good to know. I have two identical scripts like the one I posted above, one running with cron and one running with a daemon.
Even with monitoring the daemon did you have problems?
@Ivan – You are welcome.
Oct 27, 2008
John, yeah I’ve had problems with the daemon getting “stuck”. The process is still running, but all logging stops and as far as I can tell it is not doing anything. We added some monitoring to kill it if it hadn’t written to a log file after 2 minutes.
In the end, I decided just starting it every minute via cron was easier and more reliable (I use the Lockfile gem to make sure only one copy runs at a time).
Oct 27, 2008
Damn it. My suggestion and there it is :-)
Great Article, thanks for that, John.
Oct 27, 2008
@Luke – Ah, that is weird. I’ll have to see if I run into that. I was wondering about keeping one copy running, thanks for the lockfile tip. I’ll look into that.
@Chris – Good suggestion. Finally got me motivated enough to do it. :)
Oct 28, 2008
Gmail supports the IDLE extension to IMAP!
Oct 28, 2008
@Aaron – That is interesting. I’ll have to look into that. Would be perfect for a daemon like this if you could keep connection and just go idle during the sleep time. You would have to build functionality in to reconnect if the connection gets killed as that is bound to happen at some point but that would not be too hard.
Oct 28, 2008
John: yea, and the need to only “poll” every 20 minutes and still get the latest updates is a win as well.
Oct 29, 2008
We’re using Gmail as well, for administration simplicity.
One neat feature we discovered of Google Apps is that catch alls for your domain can be pretty neat.
Given multiple deployments (DEPLOYMENT_ENV) and a fixed MAIL_HOST, in your ‘Foo’ model, assuming your to_param method gives you a nice “23-this-is-some-record-blah-blah” identifier for the record:
def email_address
truncate(“#{to_param}+#{DEPLOYMENT_ENV}”, 63, ’’) + “@{MAIL_HOST}”
e.g. 23-this-is-some-record-blah-blah+testing@yoursite.com
Foo.find(TMail::Address.parse(email.to.first).address) gives the record, you can skip messages !~ /\+#{DEPLOYMENT_ENV}/, and give users email addresses they can easily identify in their address book.
Oct 29, 2008
David - Cool. I was thinking of using the + to create random email addresses for each person or page. Something like foobar+randomstring
yoursite.com. Then the random string would authenticate like an API token or what not.Nov 02, 2008
Very usefull post John! Thank you!
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