April 26, 2007
Older: Occasionally I Feel Stupid
Newer: Namespaces added to routes
RailsConf 2007
I’m pretty excited because this year I’m heading to RailsConf. A few cool little apps have sprung up that have made the buildup to the conference a bit more interesting.
The first is the RailsConf Conference Meetup Site. It replaces the facebook-ish app that was used last year. It allows you to see everyone that’s going and request to meetup with certain people (called connections on the site).
The second app, that I just came across tonight thanks to al3x’s twit, is myconfplan. This app allows you to see all the presentations, pick which ones you are going to and share your plans with the world. It seems to be authored by Dr. Nic. You can see my schedule here. Looks like there are going to be some great talks.
1 Comment
Apr 26, 2007
I hadn’t seen the Sessions app yet – great find!
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