January 16, 2006
Older: Installing Ruby on Rails on a Redhat Enterprise Linux server
Newer: Answers for the Rails skeptics
Tutorial on distributing Rails apps
Erik Veenstra has put together [a long and detailed document on distributing Rails applications](http://www.erikveen.dds.nl/distributingrubyapplications/rails.html).
> I get a lot of emails about packing and distributing Rails applications with Tar2RubyScript and RubyScript2Exe. It obviously wasn’t easy to come up with the steps that have to be taken to transform a Rails application into a standalone application. Since I never built a Rails application myself, I wasn’t even sure if it was possible at all. That’s why I decided to write this tutorial.
This should come in handy should you need to wrap up a Rails app into a single executable file.
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