MongoMapper Indy.rb Presentation

Last Wednesday I was invited to present on MongoDB and MongoMapper at the Indianapolis ruby group. I promised them I would post the slides so they could get to the links and such.


The slides are very similar to my Grand Rapids presentation on MongoDB. but the actual talk was different.


On top of the slides, there is also some rough audio thanks to David Jones. You can listen to it here. I think in total it is around an hour. I’m to lazy to sync the slides and the audio so you’ll have to do that your self. :)

I made a joke that CouchDB sucks. It was a joke. I actually like Couch a lot, I just like Mongo better. :)

Also, there is an interview with Mike Dirolf on the strange loop conference blog about MongoDB with Python and Ruby that may be of interest to you.

That is all for now. Enjoy!


  1. Another great presentation John – really enjoyed the audio (thanks David for posting it). Thanks for the mention as well!

  2. You are most welcome! You guys have a great team and wonderful support. Keep up the great work.

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Authored by John Nunemaker (Noo-neh-maker), a programmer who has fallen deeply in love with Ruby. Learn More.


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